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Dates of the Day


58 - Bedford, Bedfordshire, England

I am loyal and to the person who is right for me I will be their best friend compromise and communicate...


65 - Havant, Hampshire, England

My friends would I hope say I am a loyal friendly cheeky chap with a zest for life. Born in London but lived in...


55 - Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England

A young soul in the body of a mature lady, with a mix of sarcasm, cheekiness, and a healthy dose of...


64 - Wandsworth, London, England

The factual stuff: Dad (3 kids in 20s), Business Consultant (FT) Uni. Lecturer (PT) Sports Player (Long retired...


51 - Wandsworth, London, England

Professional lady who loves to work hard and play hard too. I’m not frightened to get stuck in be it rowing,...


73 - Lewes, East Sussex, England

Let's imagine, just for a moment, that you're seeking a committed relationship with someone who is rather...

Success Stories

He is the most wonderful man and we are talking about marriage later this year
LESLEY, 29 July 2024
Yes I am insanely happy with the woman I met on the site. We could not be more happy. I text her a Persian love poem every morning and we talk for an hour every night, spending several days each week together. We are partners and lovers for life. She is the love of my life and it is wonderful that this is mutual.
Mike, 07 January 2024
We met up and hit it off immediately and have hardly been apart since. Thank you.
Kate, 05 January 2024

Why choose Encounters Dating

We launched Encounters Dating 15 years ago, working with leading companies (including The Times and The Sunday Times) to create a forum where singles who are serious about dating can match, meet and find love.

We're experts in what we do, and believe the best dating experience comes where you are matched with people who share your values and interests. Over 80% of Encounters Dating members say they are looking for a serious, long-term relationship and we do our best to help make that happen.

If you've never tried online dating don't worry, our special two-way matching system is easy to use and designed to help you find your most compatible, local matches. Best of all, our friendly and highly-rated customer service team are there for you 7 days a week, should you need any help or advice along the way.

It's quick and easy to use, so Join Free today. If you've any questions why not read our FAQs here or if you need some specific help, you can always drop us a line - we're here and happy to guide you through.

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Feedback from members we've helped in the past.

I want to let you know that what you are doing is absolutely commendable. And given the number of romance scam, it is good to know that your team is doing due diligence. Well done. I feel safer. I have to tell you that I was very nervous signing up.
Alyce, 12 March 2024
Thank you so much. Very helpful and I have amended some of my parameters and used the slider!
Gabrielle, 27 June 2024
Thank you for always replying to my emails and giving explanations to my questions along with useful suggestions.
Sean, 19 July 2024